I.E.S. Carpe Diem is a State Secondary School located in an urban area, next to Fuenlabrada, in the South of Madrid. The neighbourhood is formed by about 28.500 people, of which the 31 % is under 19 years of age, so it is one of the youngest cities in Spain. Some years ago, the neighborhood was formed by the lowest social class, but it is changing at present, with the incorporation of families whose parents have a highcultural and economic level.

Our centre was founded in 2010, and one year later it became a Sport School, where students attend more classes of Physical Education and Hockey and Volleyball are the main sports. However, we are developing a new and innovative line of work, centred on Sciences, Technology and Humanities, because our students chose one of these specialities for their High School Degree.

In this field we have worked on different projects centred on Ecology (“One centre, one wood”, “Around the environment”), in which many of the school departments have been involved. We won the 1st Price in the “VIII Survey and Experiment Incubator Contest” in its local phase with one of these activities.

Every year we promote and celebrate the Science Fair in Fuenlabrada, as a way to exchange scientific experiences among different schools, in a range between 4 and 18-year-old students. We have signed an agreement with the Local Authorities in order to coordinate this event.
On the other hand, we celebrate a Book Week every year. In small groups, children are encouraged to share ideas with well-known Spanish authors and illustrators.
Moreover, we realize a good number of extra-curricular activities and workshops taking every opportunity to improve our knowledge and methods, for example in Technical Schools at the University, Museums, Archaeological centres, etc.

At the moment we presented this project, we had almost 1000 students, 100 studying Sciences and Technology at High School Grade, and about 80, more or less, Social Sciences and Humanities. Thus, we could adequately address the project to them, giving the number and academic level of these students.

The Spanish team is formed by teachers from different departments, most of them teaching scientific issues, as Physics and Chemistry, Biology and Geology, Maths, Technology. There are others from the fields of Philosophy, Literature, Music, etc., as well as English teachers.
We are willing to study in advance contents required; some of us have worked previously in data processing and statistics for years while studying at the University.
Some of us have participated previously in a Comenius Project with other schools as IES Victoria Kent in Fuenlabrada or IES Galileo Galilei, so we have experience in international projects and coordination.

In the city and the surrounding area we can count on the Astronomy Centre of Fuenlabrada. There, students will use all kind of telescopes, and teachers will also receive scientific and technical assessment. In addition, Astronomy Centre of Fuenlabrada can give us some important and interesting contacts in the Astrobiology Centre, and Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex in Robledo de Chavela, one of the sites of NASA’s Deep Space Network that we visit every year with our students .
Last but not least, the cooperation with the town of Fuenlabrada that has been established throughout the last three years will ensure adequate locations to display the results of the project.


This state school offers 4 different courses for students aged 14-19 providing final diplomas valid for enrolment to university, to Technical Specialization Institutes and/or entrance in the world of work. We have three Grammar High Schools: a Scientific, a Linguistic and an Applied Science course; a Technical Institute for Building, Environment and Territory providing a specialization in surveying and environmental issues; finally, a Vocational Institute for Trade and Commerce where Business Management and Accounting are taught.

The most traditional course is the Scientific one which has been a significant educational centre for 60 years and has always trained students for university. The sciences are the core subjects, but also other important humanities such as English and Italian Literatures, Philosophy, History, etc. are critical subjects.
Most students come from the surrounding areas and some belong to different ethnic groups as our town has had an uninterrupted immigration flow since the 1990s. As the area in which the school is located is mainly mountainous and quite far from big cities, students have few opportunities to experience cooperative work in international contexts. This Institute has already worked on various Comenius Projects on different topics and with different European partners.

In particular we have worked on a three-year project with Britain, Norway and Germany, in a project called “The Changing world of Work” during which the students analyzed the evolution that the world of work had in the last 50 years. The project ended with a 15-day work experience in one of the partner’s countries. This experience was really amazing for the students because they had the chance to have a first-hand experience in a European country and to come to a deeper understanding of similarities and differences between people living in different areas.

Another project, “Friends of Pods” focused on the use of ITC and the Theory of Probability: 16 educational podcasts about probability in daily life were carried out. The students were able to explain how the probability is part of our lives. The last project ,”Bridges”, focused on the common roots among different and far away cultures. The “Bridges” they wanted to realize were critical paths that could take different peoples to walk together in friendship and mutual understanding.

As for the key people involved in the project the teachers have expertise in various subjects such as Mathematics, Natural Science, Physics, Philosophy, History and English. What is more, they have already worked in various projects at national and international levels.

As for the students, instead, they are mostly attending the Grammar School Courses, so the subjects involved and the skills they need to cope with the different areas of the project are part of their curricula.


Djurgårdsskolan is situated close to the city centre of Eskilstuna, a town 120 km from Stockholm. Just around the corner you find the beautiful park area “Djurgården” and there is also a forest nearby. At this school we teach children from age 6 to 16. We have about 960 students and 120 grown-ups working here. At our school we also have a special area that focuses on children with learning disabilities and the teachers who work here are educated in their special needs.

From all around the municipality come children to our school who have a special interest in music and singing. We offer singing classes for students in years 4-9 with an emphasis on fun, friendship and learning. Experienced, enthusiastic teachers make sure the students get the best possible education in each subject. Children who have an interest in sports e.g. football, tennis, horseriding and swimming can also practice this during their school day.
he project is about science and humanities so our key persons are two experienced science teachers and two experienced language teachers. All members of the team speak good English. At our school we have à solar telescope, but we will also work together with the observatoriums in Västerås and/or Stockholm. One member of staff has already been involved in a Comenius Project and another member of staff is an experienced computer programmer and will be responsible for this part.

The school will be working with two classes of 8th graders (aged 15-15) 60 pupils altogether.