Astronomy as unifying thread for cultures
  • Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
  • Action: Strategic Partnerships.
  • Main objective: Exchanges of Practices.
  • Project Start Date: 01-09-2017.
  • Project End Date: 31-08-2019.
  • Project total duration: 24 months.
  • ERASMUS+2017-1-ESO1-KA219-038074_1
Priorities - Why this Project?
  • To emulate the atmosphere of a Scientific Academy, taking into account both the observation of natural phenomena and the didactic use of data interchanged among partner schools.
  • To train young aspiring researchers on how to apply the scientific method steps and procedures.
  • To reinforce knowledge and competences in the scientific skills that students may use in their future educational and working life.
  • To use the school technical-scientific tools and the astronomical observatory in curricular tasks.
  • To allow a cross-cultural interpretation that creates synergy between sciences and humanities.
  • To acquire a set of knowledge that increases students’ awareness about their country scientific thinking, as a heritage to enhance the supranational scientific research. Both the cultural roots and the European identity should be strengthened.
  • To facilitate cultural interchange between the younger generations so to acquire the awareness that the language of science is circular, because it involves not only the human knowledge but also the human integration on cultural, social and working basis.
  • To give less-confident students the opportunity to improve their skills and to help them to develop their own scientific competences.
  • To support less-qualified/motivated students by creating alternative learning environments.
  • To foster students’ creativity by giving them the chance to perform a rol play which can help them strengthen their personalities.


Promoting the acquisition of skills


Social inclusion


Open and innovative practices in a digital era